Introducing a man, who has gone from bagging Rs 10,000 from his aunt to building a business worth Rs 11500000000, the name of his brand is…
The inspirational tale of Kamal Khushlani isn’t only about the 10 K that he borrowed but instead about hope and determination, being able to believe that one can achieve their dreams.
Mufti, an Indian clothing brand popular for its men’s wear, was founded by Kamal Khushlani in 1998 with the goal to cater to upper-middle-class customers and entrepreneurs. He started building the market value of the brand one cloth at a time, fully utilized his bike and turned it into a business tool, now the business value has reached Rs 1,150 crore. A perfect example of entrepreneurship and Kamal sparked from the little ideas.
Kamal Khushlani Early Struggle: A Power Equipped Life
Kamal was brought up in a low income household and soon his life took a turn when he lost his father at the age of 19, the family lost emotions and finances to say they were struggling would be an understatement, to help the family grow Kamal decided to work at a cassette company.
Regardless of his painful circumstances, Kamal took a deep interest into fashion making him a reliable advisor for most of his social circle, thus boosting his confidence and enabling him to start his entrepreneurial journey.
Early Life in the Fashion World
In 1992, Kamal seized the opportunity to borrow Rs 10,000 from his aunt in order to start Mr & Mr. Being a one man army, he took care of designing, production, and, sales with minimal resources since his home served as both his office and warehouse.
No doubt the business has served as a stepping stone for him, but Kamal always wanted to go above and beyond. He, however, founded Mufti in 1998, it emerged to be one of the highest Indian men’s wear brands. But it was not an easy journey, neither smooth. In the initial years he had to depend on his bike to transfer the clothes to sellers, putting them in a suitcase and ultimately selling from black to stores.
Mufti’s Big Hit
While stretching jeans were Mufti’s big hit in the early 2000’s, Kamal’s brand was the first to introduce them to the Indian market and it soared up to be a part of the trend. Not only did this grab people’s attention but it also garnered Mufti the attention it was searching for. The brand, in no time, was opening exclusive outlets across the globe, enhancing its stead in the fashion industry.
The Start of Something New
With 379 exclusive branded stores, along with 89 large format, and 1305 multi brand outlets across India today, Mufti has made a reputable name for itself.
Beginning as a modest individual and eventually building an empire, Kamal had several obstacles to overcome such as societal doubts. Nonetheless, he did not lose sight of his purpose, regardless of the skepticism or challenges that were in his way.
Additionally, Mufti acts as a representation of both his resolve and love for fashion, motivating many budding business owners to chase their dreams no matter what difficulties they face.