Losing 30 kilos was easy, says food vlogger Rocky Singh.
We start a diet to lose weight but food vlogger Rocky Singh begs to differ.

Food vlogger Rocky Singh explains in detail how his weight loss journey started and what techniques he used to lose 30 kilos.
Reaching a target of over 30-35 kilos of weight loss sounds tough indeed, however, it's not impossible if you have the right motivation and stay consistent with your efforts. Such determination, patience and sheer will is sure to inspire individuals, and motivate them to persistently work towards their goals. An inspiring story of this kind would be of food vlogger Rocky Singh who lost a lot of weight while continuing his love for food and encouraging others to pursue their goals and go on their fitness journeys.
The Most Difficult Part Of Losing Over 30 Kilos
Carrying extra weight is not only an aesthetic problem; it also presents serious medical issues. The excessive weight can cause cardiovascular trouble like high blood pressure, heart diseases or even a stroke. This problem of obesity is associated with type 2 diabetes, respiratory problems including sleep apnea, stress on joints and the body’s defense mechanism being compromised. For most people, the problem is, where to start in the journey to lose weight as it requires a change in the eating pattern, exercise habits and even general way of life. Nonetheless, developing lasting lifestyle changes such as controlling portion sizes, focusing on wholesome foods and blending strength training and cardio is what keeps people healthy in the long run.
Rocky Singh’s Amazing Weight Loss Journey
Food vlogger Rocky Singh shocked his followers in a recent video by showcasing his phenomenal weight loss transformation and documenting his weight loss process. He started off weighing 138 kilograms and is now down to an impressive 105 kilograms with an aim to get to 97 kilograms. Singh, as did many others, maintained a strong sense of realism in her statements saying, “All of this is the result of hard work and consistent.” This humorous comment mobilized people encouraging words like ‘You have done it, title maintenance is tough but perseverence matters here’.
He started chronologically addressing people’s queries - ”You said every song you sing is dramatic yet beautiful.” and further goes on to simply point out that, patience and commitment is all it took for him to loose the last kilogram after being in a slight bulking phase for a good thirteen weeks and while his current goal lies in this plateau, exploring good food would continue to be.
Sustainable Means of Weight Loss
Rocky’s progress highlights the need to be more realistic when it comes to goals and to approach weight loss gradually. There is a temptation to seek rapid weight loss techniques that produce immediate results, but this often leads to a cycle of regaining weight. rather than that, adopting a strategy of being in a calorie deficit through proper nutrition and consistent exercise is the simplest way to go about it.
Equally important to note, to lose weight, requires going through some mental and emotional phases such as going out of a plateau, being inspired, and other mental battles. Help from family, friends or even online social networks can be helpful for this, as they offer motivation and the reason behind fulfillment.
Motivational and Encouraging Message
Rocky Singh’s journey further bears testimony that despite all odds, with great patience and commitment one can shed pounds. Jb this tough struggle was placed on the influencer's social media pages, the man who works for the health and fitness area becomes an advocate of balance and hard work alongside healthy life because these are the two essential components for endurance. And for those planning to do anything similarly, Rocky Singh’s story is a cautionary tale about the necessity of remaining on track and applauding every achievement along the route.