We highly recommend that you do your best and try to feed roti to a cow on the Day of the week, since it is indeed a great practice that brings a lot of blessings!
Vastu Tips: Cow Feeding Benefits: Cow is one of the revered and revered figures in Hinduism. Additionally, the first roti is served to the cow in many homes. It is said that feeding a cow roti on a daily basis allows one to receive the blessings of 33 crore deities.
Happiness and prosperity accompany the positive vibrations. Many serious types of problems, according to Vastu, are resolved by the eating of rotis, while many issues and challenges of life there are solved by eating rotis.
Worshipping cows and giving them roti helps kill many problems in life if done three times a week as per Vastu. At the same time, feeding the cow with the roti also wipes off all the sins a person has committed. Besides, in astrology, it is also said that offering roti to a cow is very beneficial and auspicious for overcoming the defects of planets. And there are also suggestions that offering roti to a cow removes many difficulties in life.
Roti should be offered to cows . However on Sundays the ghee should be included
When the Sun is feeble in an individual’s horoscope , that individual should give a cow roti smeared with ghee every Sundal. Such a person is believed to have a stronger sun and hence is more successful than his peers. A person whose sun is stronger works progressively in the work area.
Roti made with jaggery and gram flour should be offered to cows every Thursday
To people with weak Jupiter in their horoscope, it is important to believe Lord Vishnu and worship him. As a result of this the guru is fortified and problems in the individual’s married life are mitigated. Moreover, she should also be fed on the roti made with jaggery and gram flour.
Roti made with jaggery is used to feed cows on Saturday
Sathurday is dedicated to Lord Shani Dev ji and people who feed him roti tern in to people who Lord shani ji is pleased with, thereby creating a need to feed cows with this kind of roti.